This week you are to answer the following question on your own blog:
What does it take to get elected in today's political environment and is that method truly democratic?
In your discussion you must include the definition of the following:
Hard Money
Soft Money
Media Bias
Political Action Committees (PACs)
Voter Turnout
Political Parties
Also, in your answer, explore the question of whether or not low turnout is good for America.
You have time to write this in class on Tuesday, however please do not post before then. If you have any questions, you can always email
Your grade will be based upon the support of your arguments and the correct use and definition of the terms.
Reading for this test are from the book on the following pages:
Please note: Blogs MUST be submitted by the end of your class period. There will be no late blogs accepted for this assignment without a 10% decrease in the grade per day.