Saturday, February 27, 2010

Week 9: Elections Test Question

This week you are to answer the following question on your own blog:

What does it take to get elected in today's political environment and is that method truly democratic?
In your discussion you must include the definition of the following:
Hard Money
Soft Money
Media Bias
Political Action Committees (PACs)
Voter Turnout
Political Parties
Also, in your answer, explore the question of whether or not low turnout is good for America. 

You have time to write this in class on Tuesday, however please do not post before then.  If you have any questions, you can always email Mr.Janczak 

Your grade will be based upon the support of your arguments and the correct use and definition of the terms. 

Reading for this test are from the book on the following pages:

Please note: Blogs MUST be submitted by the end of your class period.  There will be no late blogs accepted for this assignment without a 10% decrease in the grade per day. 

Monday, February 22, 2010

Week 8: Media

What media outlets do you use to find out news? Give specifics and explain why you have chosen that source instead of others. If you do not watch broadcast news, or read print media explain why. Can a lack of engagement in news and media coverage from Americans negatively impact American society, culture, and political decision? What could the media do to attract more views/readers and get Americans engaged in debate?

Visit the following two websites: and One of the following websites takes the stance that the media is liberally biased and the other claims the media has a conservative slant. Identify what each website believes and how they have come to that conclusion. Comment on the differences between the headlines, articles, and information presented on the site. In your opinion is the media politically biased? If so, what way does it lean? (liberal, moderate, conservative). What other types of biases are there that can be present in the media?

Word Count 500+
Due Midnight on 3/1 (thank you Casmir Pulaski!)

Monday, February 15, 2010

Week 7: Political Ideology

Your blog assignment this week is find out your political ideology and the ideology of those who are close to you in your life.  It is a 2 part assignment that is due on Sunday 2/21.

Part 1 (In class): Head to The Political Compass and honestly take the 6 page political ideology (click on "Take the Test").  When you are done, respond to the findings of the test on a blog post. (You do not have to reveal your thinkings, but just write something short (150 words) about whether you think the test was correct/wrong, whether or not you were surprised by the findings, and any general comments about the test).

Part 2: (Outside of class): Have a discussion with some of your family members and friends about where they stand ideologically (if they don't know, you can always have them take the test) and create a 2nd blog entry with your findings.  In your findings, be sure to answer this question: do the people who are close to you have any impact on your political ideology? Why or why not?   Part 2 should be about 250+ in word length.

Part I: due Wednesday 2/17 @ 12pm

Part II due Sunday 2/21 @ 8pm.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Week 6: Some time off

Even the greatest President ever needed to take some time off to ride his horses in California...and you should have some time off too! No blog post this week.  Enjoy the week off. 

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Civil Liberties Test Question for Test on 2/8

You are to answer the following question in class, on your blog on Monday 2/8:

Using examples from at least 3 different amendments and supporting your argument with at least 4 different court cases, what happens when freedoms and protections collide? In your discussion be sure to include at least one example that differentiates freedoms and protections in school vs. freedoms and protections outside of school. 

Once again you are to post this answer to your blog, with the title of "Civil Liberties Test"

Feel free to discuss the question with your classmates or leave comments below with questions or suggestions.  I will be checking the blog on Sunday afternoon prior to the Super Bowl to answer any questions you may have. 

Monday, February 1, 2010

Week 5: Landmark Cases

Since we are studying civil liberties this week, I want you to think about the cases that we have talked about and read about some other cases we haven't and decide which case has had the most impact on our way of life in this country. 

Head to the Landmark Cases website and skim through the cases (they are just brief summaries).  From there, decide which case has had the most impact on our lives as Americans and explain how that impact has changed our lives. 

Word Count: 200+
Due 2/7 @ 12pm.