Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Presidential Roles and Health Care

There is little doubt that the President is in the fight for his political life as this Health Care debate rages on. 
Your goal today is to use 2 of the following articles to examine/evaluate what roles the President is using to get his message across to the American people and to what extent he is actually being successful.  You must also seek out and find one more article that supports your argument, or one article that you believe is an innacurate portrayal of the battle.

Please identify the role that the President is utilizing based upon the definitions from yesterday's document.
Feel free to respond to some of the comments from the websites that you visit as well.  Those are always VERY interesting to read. 

Philadelphia Daily News

Bill O'Reilly

New Jersey Star Ledger

The Huffington Post (Since I put Fox up as a link, I will put up a fiercely liberal page up too)

Due by midnight on 3/9.


  1. In the Healthcare Issue, Obama is utilizing his position as Chief Executive. O’Reilly says that as for where the government money is being spent and saved on programs like Medicare and Medicaid, Obama “has it under control”. Being the highest ranking corporate officer, he has the power to make decisions that ultimately control where money is being spent, which could possibly help in decreasing the deficit. However, Republican congressman Paul Ryan believes that Obama is not doing his job correctly, for “he is using 10 years of revenue and spending cuts to cover six years of health care entitlements.” Ryan also believes that such spending will lead to over $500 billion dollars in deficit spending over the next ten years. Comparing Obama’s Healthcare crush to Bush’s obsession with Sadam Hussein seems very relevant, for both situations seem to be spending buckets of money on a miniscule problem when compared to other issues such as unemployment, poverty, and the economy itself. It is sad to say, but Obama needs to begin looking at the facts before taking his power into the country’s funding. O’Reilly posted a stat telling that “10 percent of Americans now pay more than 70 percent of federal income tax, and 50 percent of Americans pay close to nothing.” The 10 percent paying these taxes are only going to get hit harder after Obamacare gets passed, which will ultimately perpetuate the economic woes at hand.
    Obama is also acting as Chief Legislator, due to his constant appeals to Congress in passing the healthcare bill; his basic message to the lawmakers: “Shut up and vote.” He made the same call in his State of the Union address earlier this year, but to the 1,800 sitting in the stands in Montgomery County, they acted as though it were the first time they had heard the demand. When Obama goes anywhere, no matter how low his approval rating, the public around him always appear star-struck; he awes crowd with his words, making him the prime example of great Chief Legislator. Whether or not the man knows what is best for the country, he knows what is best to say.
    And of course, Obama flourishes as the Chief Citizen. He is working for the people who voted him in, and on Monday, it appeared as if he were still on his campaign trail in 2008. He said in his speech that “the goal is not the White House, but a final health care bill”, proving that he is working not only for the government, but the people as well. He does a great job of getting the public on his side by distinguishing his enemies whom also remain enemies to his voters: big business insurance companies. Republicans make shots at Obama even after his apparent attempt to make peace with the right wing; the American people do not want Obamacare. Whether or not this is true, Obama’s role as Chief Citizen & Legislator are what is keeping his Executive side afloat.

  2. Obama’s continuing efforts to reform our country’s Health Care has caused quite a bit of commotion over the past few months. Different sources will argue different aspects of the plan, or about whether the plan is wise or not, or even as simple as if it will work. Regardless, most sources will agree that there is simply not enough information present about the plan to be completely sure at this point. And even if all the information was openly available and the plan was complete, no one can be completely sure if the plan is going as intended.
    But despite the controversy, Obama pushes on to try and pass his reforms, because he seems to truly believe that it is the best thing for America right now. Altogether, by trying to get his new Health Care plan passed, Obama is working as Chief of Party, Chief Citizen, and as Chief Legislator. He is working as Chief of Party because he is trying to represent the ideals of the Democratic Party, and although the entire party doesn’t agree, the vast majority is in favor of the health care plan. He is working as Chief Citizen because he believes that his actions are for the benefit of every citizen of the United States, despite what some people would argue. And lastly, he is working as Chief Legislator, quite obviously, because he is trying to pass a bill in congress.
    Is his health care plan the best thing for America now? Will it benefit us or simply cripple us further in these difficult economic times? These are both questions that we may perhaps never know the answer to, however I believe that is for the best. Personally, I think we should let the current health care system run the course, and not try to enact any radical reform until our country is in a much more stable position, so that we might be able to remain standing if it fails.

  3. Obama is trying to exercise his role as chief citizen and chief legislator. I do not think that he is being very successful at either, although that is not entirely his fault. Right now the healthcare reform is simply plagued by the war between democrats and republicans. No one knows the facts except for President Obama himself, and they are not easily accessible to the masses without some sort of bias. This means that he is not doing his job as chief citizen because he is not helping the people of the United States or representing their ideals. Instead of making correct information known to the masses, all we hear about is the never ending campaign of Democrats vs. Republicans. Obama is trying to fill his role as chief legislator, but it is hard when he must play babysitter and break up the two squabbling parties. The Washington Post even says "Senate Democrats and Republicans are poised to have a knock-down, drag-out fight over the arcane budget reconciliation process and equally esoteric rules as Congress races to pass a health care bill before Easter. Policy disagreements have become almost an afterthought as Republicans charge Democrats with twisting Senate rules to pass what they say is an unpopular bill while Democrats say the GOP's 'obstructionism' and hypocrisy have reached new heights." Amongst the fighting, Obama is not utilizing his role of chief citizen or chief legislator. He cannot work for the people of the United States nor is he successful in his pleas for congress to pass a bill. Obama needs to step up and take total control of the situation by soothing this war. If he does not, we will never see any progress.

  4. According to Bill O'Reilly and the rest of Fox News, Obama is ussing ten years of revenue and spending cuts to "cover six years of healthcare entitlements. President obama tells the American people that he is optimistic about the health care reform. 10 percent of Americans pay over 70% of the federal taxes, and 50% of Americans spend nothing on taxes. O'Reilly suggests that srtict rules and healthcare regulations should be enacted. These things will not cost extra money. He believes that private refoprm should be the first step. According to New Jersey Star Ledger, healthcare is taking 1/6 of our GDP. If we let the government take over health care, our upper class will continue to pay most of the taxes, while illegal aliens get free healthcare for doing absolutly nothing except for hopping a fence. At the bottom of the New Jersey Start Ledger, one person commented on how our country "appeases the minorities and ignores the majority. Portraying a message through the media is an easy thing to do if one chooses the right words. When talking about healthcare, the president should take a cheif citizen approach because it affects the citizens the most. When i searched for the health care topic on google, I found the White House sit, which is a government site. This site is making claims to what the Obmama's plan to reform will do to America. Claiming that it will put our budget and economy on a more stable path by reducing the deficit by $100 billion over the next ten years. This, however is a rough estimate and we will see if it will prove itself.

  5. For the healthcare reform President Obama is taking the position of Chief Executive. He has basically taken control and is trying to push the healthcare bill as far as he can. Bill O’Reilly believes that this is a bad idea and that Obama is spending way too much and trying to finance the bill with money that we do not have. O’Reilly believes that Obamacare could cause mass chaos in our medical system and could drive the treasury into bankruptcy. O’Reilly does not completely disagree with Obama but he believes that the healthcare bill is just a large risk that would be taken. I agree with O’Reilly that this is a huge risk to be taking with how much it will cost and that the country is not truly ready for a reform this large and this costly. The article from the Huffington Post is much different than that of Bill O’Reilly’s. This article is much more optimistic and supportive of Obama than Bill O’Reilly’s article. I believe that this is a good thing for the media to do and standing behind the president could bring good things to our country. However, I do believe that the healthcare bill is risky and could end badly for the country. This article also highlights how the republicans held congress for a dozen years and did almost nothing and how Obama is taking action and acting on what he said before he was elected as president. This could be seen as him acting as chief of party, however I believe in both articles he is acting as chief executive by making such large decisions for the nation. The two articles I read clearly have opposing viewpoints and although they are so different I agree with some parts of each one. I believe that the healthcare bill could be a bad risk for the government to take, but I also believe that it could be worthwhile and help many of those Americans in need of healthcare.
    I found an article that highlights the people that truly need healthcare but do not have it because they cannot afford the insurance. These are the type of people that do need help from the healthcare reform and could truly benefit from it passing. Although there is a risk in trying to pass the bill it could save many people that have no chance of getting healthcare without the bill. Healthcare reform is a two way street that could either result in a great success for those who need it, or even more unneeded debt for the government and the people of this country.

  6. I looked at both the conservative and liberal articles on Obama’s healthcare plan. In the O’Reilly article, he feels that the “Obamacare” really is going nowhere. He goes on to say that establishing a new healthcare bill is only going to further this countries’ debt. He wants healthcare to be made affordable and better, but the county cannot afford the healthcare that Obama is trying to create. As far as getting his message across, O’Reilly feels that Obama has been misleading to the public. I also looked at the liberal Huffingtonpost article. This article explains that Obama is making healthcare universal and lowering costs for the working class. They feel Obama is going to his old ways from his campaign to get his healthcare passed. From both articles I saw that Obama was using his role as chief legislator. Working on passing a bill like healthcare is part of the role for chief legislator. I agree with Huffingtonpost’s belief that Obama is using his role of being chief citizen. Trying to get healthcare for all citizens, especially the working class is definitely Obama trying to work for the people. O’Reilley would not agree with this and would probably say he is hurting the people with debt. If Obama’s healthcare is successful, his actions will be viewed as him using the role of chief of citizen. http://topics.nytimes.com/top/news/health/diseasesconditionsandhealthtopics/health_insurance_and_managed_care/health_care_reform/index.html
    This article explains the tactics in which Obama is using to pass his healthcare bill. Him trying to push a bill would agree with my opinion that Obama is using his chief legislator role. This article also supports the efforts of Obama trying to create more affordable and national healthcare plan. Since this article supports his efforts, it would also agree with my view that Obama is using his role as chief citizen.

  7. According to Obama, the health care situation is, “under control”. The President also feels that in the long run, health care reform will help our nation. By doing this, he is being Chief Executive. According to Bill O’Reilly, Obamacare will put the nation in an even bigger hole of debt. O’Reilly feels that now is not the right time for health care restructuring, and that the risk is not worth taking. I believe that most citizens have misinterpreted Obama’s plan. Many think that he has bad intentions, but this is definitely not the case. As President, he must try to do the best he sees fit to help our country run smoothly. It just so happens that he might have made a mistake and that now might not be the best time for Obamacare to be put into action because of the expensive war and our fading economy. With the economy like it is now, people do not like the idea of a health care reform plan that has the potential to rack up more debt, it’s just too risky.
    In the Philadelphia Daily News article, Obama’s plan was seen in a much better way. As Chief Legislature, Obama’s job is to introduce and sign new legislation to congress and the country. He had a rally at Arcadia University recently, in order to make a final push for health care reform. In doing this, he showed that he has maintained his commitment to his plan, despite all of the negative things being said about it. If this reform is going to happen, it will be soon, because Obama feels that, “the time for talk is over.”
    One article I found can be summed up by saying that this new health care reform will be affordable, it will set up a new competitive health insurance market, it will provide greater accountability, end discrimination, and put the economy on a more stable path. This article is from http://www.whitehouse.gov/Issues/health-Care, and it will obviously support the presidents ideas because it is from the white house. Even so, it is just another way to view the plan, because most sites are looking at it in a bad way.
    An article that falsely portrays Obama’s health care reform plan is http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/07/27/AR2009072701905.html. This site rips Obama’s plan and makes it seem that he is intentionally trying to hurt our country. He is the President of the United States, and that’s the last thing he wants to do. Not everyone has to support his plan, but they shouldn’t make it seem like Obama is a bad person because of a potentionally risky plan.

  8. To gain the support of the American people and put pressure on congress to pass his health care plan, President Obama is taking up the Presidential role of Chief Citizen. The President has attempted to connect with American Citizens by giving numerous speeches all over the country, encouraging people to put their faith in him and support his health care proposal. Fox News and Bill O’Reilly view the Presidents move as a desperate risk to redeem his somewhat disappointing time in office. It is a risk that if successful would be historically being viewed as a great move or, if unsuccessful, be seen as a colossal failure. The support Obama has gained mostly comes from those citizens who aren’t or are simply unable to pay their taxes. The article states about 10% of Americans cover more than 70% of all taxes while almost 50% pay close to nothing. If this plan is passed these numbers would increase and the 10% already paying the majority of the tax dollars would pay even more to cover the health care of those who are paying close to nil. The Huffington Post is more supportive to Obama’s plan and the article views Obama as taking up more of the role of Chief Legislator as he tries to reach out to congress to gain their support for this bill. Obama is trying to sway the Republicans by ripping on them for doing seemingly nothing in the last ten years when they had clear control of the government. The Post doesn’t seem to give a clear stance either way on being for or against the Health Care Plan but does agree that the decision on the bill will have a great effect on American Citizens. The article I found from the Philly Burbs also sees Obama’s Health Care Plan as a last ditch effort to salvage his Presidency. After reading all three articles I agree that President Obama’s plan does seem rather desperate and I believe he may be acting on gut instinct rather than rational thought. The President is clearly taking up the role of Chief Citizen and attempting to regain the support of the American citizens by passing a bill with great risk behind it.

  9. President Barack Obama is using his role as Chief Legislator to propose laws to Congress, as well as rallying up citizens to gain publicity and support for their cause, especially in the case of the debate regarding healthcare reform. He pushes towards a more socialist method of providing heathcare to Americans, which obviously stirs up some concern with his critics and competitors. Many conservatives, such as Bill O'Reilly, claim that Obama is essentially abusing his power as Chief Legislator and Chief Executive to push new, "radically left-wing socialist/communist" healthcare laws, and it will cost the American people too much (FOX News). CNN also predicts what freedoms one would have to sacrifice for "Obamacare", such as picking a particular insurance plan, being rewarded for healthy living, and choosing doctors.

    I would say this all of these are pretty legitimate concerns. Obama, however, expresses that insurance companies have been inefficient and incompetent for the past 10 years, and it is about time to finally fix things for good (The Huffington Post). Heathcare definitely needs to be dealt with regarding ensuring that the basics for every American being covered; change IS needed (@GOP: Don't shoot the messenger >_<). I am not entirely sure how Congress and the President will be able to pull this off, but I do have faith in them. All I have to say to them is "PLEEEEEAAASSSSSE don't screw this one up".

  10. After reading the several articles it seems like most people are most concerned about the huge risk President Obama is taking with this healthcare reform. They are aware of the debt we are already in and are scared that one: this reform will not work out and two: our country will end up even more in debt after this reform. With this health care plan he seems to be acting as a Chief Citizen and Chief of State. He speaking out to the people and actively taking a stand while swaying them to believe that this plan will make this nation a better place and put our economy in a better place. Not to mention his personal attention to not only health care but responding to the audience’s affection (Arcadia U crowd). He uses real-life situations asking the audience how long we have to wait till we make a change? How high do premiums have to be before we do something about it? It is evident that President Obama is passionate about this new health care reform plan, but according to Bill O’Reilly, he believes that the president does have good intentions, but it is the huge risk he is taking when taking this plan into effect. President Obama has always been an effective public speaker, every time he talks about an issue you can see the passion he has when explaining his views on it and as a leader what he he wil do to better the issue. Therefore, he is very good at making the citizens believe in all his plans for the country. However, at the same time, the president’s job approval rating is less than 50% (Philadelphia news) but when he is speaking in a venue for a specific place, almost every person seems to be engaged with what he is saying. Finally, when reading the “Midwest voices” article they seemed to pinpoint the good approaches Obama has, again, asking questions to the citizens…how much longer? Yet with all the good questions for citizens to ponder about, Obama still needs to convince dozens of other Democrats in the house in order to have a fighting chance with this issue.


  11. Healthcare reform is how Obama wants to leave his legacy in Washington. He is putting himself in harm’s way and fighting as hard as he can because he truly believes this is what is best for America. According to the Philadelphia Daily News article, Obama has begun giving speeches to audiences around America to rally support for the expedient passing of healthcare legislation in Washington. He is not doing this for popularity. During his state of the union speech, he explicitly said he will not sign a bill that does not truly reform healthcare. He wants this reform for the people. He does not have any obvious gains for him or his colleagues from passing this bill. I believe his intentions are for bettering America.
    Obama is not scared to have his points tested. He has weekly internet addresses, speeches to the public, and he had the Healthcare Summit with both sides of Congress last week. Unlike presidents like Bush who would rarely defend his actions and would often change his reasoning behind them, Obama is explicit in his goals and why he thinks they are the best thing for America. It is because of news organizations like Fox News that his message has been skewed and perverted. The Fox News article was a rant by Bill O’Reilly using the same talking points as his Republican comrades as a smear campaign against Obama. I understand disagreement, and I don’t think that everything Obama does is right, but the Republicans use fear tactics as an argument instead of logic. They use hyperbolic words like “socialism” and “soviet-style healthcare” instead of backing up their arguments with reason. If there’s one thing that Obama does not do is try to mislead the public with attacking language. He argues his healthcare views with facts and statistics. The Republican’s tired and relentless scare tactics can be seen in the article I found (http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2009/07/22/doctors-wage-war-obamas-health-care-overhaul/). You’ll notice that even though this is published as a news article, it contains the same language and arguments that Bill O’Reilly’s opinion piece did. Unethical and biased journalism like this is what is preventing Obama from getting a clear message across. He is doing everything he can to inform the public, whether the public agrees with him or not. But I don’t think Americans can get all of the facts until they look past the Republican’s scare tactics and start putting more value in truth and statistics.

  12. Obama is using speeches and sources of media to get his message across. Obamacare is the new coined phrase for the health reform. The basic plan of this is to tax the affluent and use more efficient spending on Medicare and Medicaid. Pretty much, the plan is not very well understood by the general public. We do not know really how this health reform is going to take place and to what extent. People are skeptical of anything actually changing (Bill O’ Riley article). It seems as if Obama is indeed working as Chief Citizen to address these issues in the interest of the general public, but if his plans are actually going to make a change are questionable. In the Star Ledger article, it talks about how Obama’s reform was a big lie and outright socialist. Based on this, Obama can be seen as a Chief of Party… but not in a good way since his plans were socialistic, not democratic. The website that I used is http://www.whitehouse.gov/Issues/health-Care. Basically, it addresses the health care issue and bullet points very clearly how the changes will go about to make health care more affordable and so on. I like how the website has a heading that says “progress” showing the people that Obama is truly taking steps to bringing about a change. With this progress section, Obama can be seen as Chief Executive because he has signed acts and has made other executive decisions involving health care. From this website it seems as if Obama is being successful at his reforms, however, on the grand scheme of things the reform hasn't directly hit us yet to an extent that can clearly be seen and felt.

  13. In regards to the Philadelphia Daily News article, President Obama took a fierce approach to tackling the health care issue. He didn’t wear a fancy suit, or tried to sugar coat his words. Obama got right down to business, and bluntly threw down his plan. Listeners hung on every word he said, and I believe that this approach impacted the viewers of this speech heavily. He is being very successful with this approach because the American listeners know that he would not be so to-the-point if he was not serious about created a change to the health care system. He is very firm, and this confidence in his speech translates to the reaction of the listeners.
    The Huffington Post quoted Obama saying “I’m kind of fired up,” He was very successful in making a firm approach to his speech. Showing that his is fired up creates emotion within the crowd. After getting very heated with his words, Obama later said "So I need you to knock on doors. Talk to your neighbors. Pick up the phone.” He is getting his listeners involved in spreading the words of his plans. Listeners know that he is very serious about “creating a change,” and when he has confidence, individuals will go out of their way to aid in this process of change. In the two articles where Obama is relating to the citizens, He is utilizing the Chief of State powers. He is showing that he can relate to the common man, and rolling his sleeves up, taking a firm approach to health care creates inspiration.
    I do not believe that the New Jersey Star Ledger is an accurate portrayal of Obama’s Health Care plan. They are saying that he is taking a socialist approach, with a government “takeover.” I still do not understand why people are complaining about government intervention when it is going to benefit our own country. We have avoided a universal health care system because every time government attempts to get involved they are labeled as socialists. Obama is the Chief Executive in situations where he feels the need. He feels that his health care plan is a strategic solution to the ongoing problem. I feel that he has the position in charge, and we should give him a fair attempt to making a change.

  14. Obama has been pushing for health care reform for a very long time. People know this and there are 2 sides to his fight. These two sides are the people who want reform to health care and the people who do not. In the Philly news article they say that everybody cares about how this will affect the next vote outcome for Obama, but really he is in there now, and now is what matters. I believe this is something that needs to happen, maybe not exactly how he is doing it but it needs to happen. Obama uses Chief Executive to push the health care idea out there and promote his ideas. He makes speeches all over the United States, promoting and doing what he can to let people know what is going on and how this plan will work. Obama uses Chief Legislator when he promotes health care to congress and asks them to look into what needs to be done about it and to build on it. Obama used the State Of The Union to address all the issues, as well as health care, and wants congress to decide on it. As it says in his website Obama uses his role of chief citizen to rebuild economy and health care is a way to do this. He knows a lot of people want health care reform and uses the people to push it through. http://www.barackobama.com/issues/economy/

  15. In the Philadelphia News website, Obama is using his role as chief of party by trying to influence the votes for his policy. He is hoping by campaigning for this like he did for his presidential election it will help congress see the support and vote in favor of his policy. In fact, one of the authors simply said they wish Obama gave the exact speech from last night in the state of the union address because it was so impactful. Senator Arlen Specter who is the pilot for Air Force One said, "That's the most fiery I've seen him since the early campaign. He continues to say that "when I was listening to him, I wished that he had given that in the State of the Union” because it was so powerful. Obama is using his power as chief of party to pursue voters into voting in his favor. The author of the website continues to say “I just hope he does something about it. I want to see it happen." This shows Obama has done a great job using this role given to him by becoming the President to get what he wants, and thinks is best for our country.
    The role President Obama is playing here is Chief Executive; this is because the article is from the view point of what Obama wants. Meaning Obama wants a nation health care plan, and he is using his power in every way to get that. Just because he is president and says he wants something, what he wants by his chief executive status will get looked at and possibly put into action. The website was written from a republican view point saying how awful the health care plan Obama is pushing for would be for our country. “Dick Morris estimates Obama care will cost $6 trillion and the feds will never be able to pay for it.” These may be the facts, however it does not take away from what Obama is doing, and he is playing the system. Just because he is the chief Executive, he will get automatic votes for whatever he promotes regardless of how bad it is for the country as a whole. That’s the nature of the beast when it comes to leaders with power suggesting things. “President Obama sincerely believes that health care reform will make America stronger.” This just makes him sound more convincing thus maximizing his power as Chief Executive even more.
    A third source that shows how President Obama is using his power as president of the United States is one from The Daily Best. This website shows how Obama uses his role as chief executive. According to this website, Obama like many other Presidents have done, give their list of orders they as Chief executive want to get done and people have to make as many of them happen as possible. “We are reviewing a list of presidential executive orders and directives to get the job done across a front of issues,” said Rahm Emanuel. Nobody can blame Obama for using his power in the way he is as Chief Executive, but many however do disagree with him. In fact, he has lower than a 50% satisfaction rating in the U.S. The author of the website continues to say, “Unlike some who disagree with President Obama, I do not believe his intentions are bad. But I do believe he is taking a huge risk with all of our lives by the colossal spending that's coming down the road.” No one can fault him for suggesting what he has about healthcare on behalf of Chief Executive.


  16. I think that Obama is using many different powers in the process of getting his health care reform passed. First of all, he is Chief of party because he is trying to properly represent his party, and do what they would want him to do. Some people don’t agree with him, such as the people in the O’Riley article, but that is because they are republican. This should mean that Obama is doing a good job as Chief of Party, because although there is a lot of controversy, most of the Democrats agree with him. I thought it was interesting that in the Fox/ O’Riley article, it became clear that neither party truly has enough information to judge whether or not the healthcare plan will be what is best for the country. Right now, we are in a recession and it seems foolish to implement a plan that could potential cost way more money than we can afford. I seem to remember Obama saying that the Government needs to “tighten its belt” just as Americans are spending less money on things that are not necessary. This seems to go against what Obama said in his State of the Union address. In the Philadelphia news article, Obama questions “is it good for the democrats or good for the republicans” but he also discusses how people seems obsessed with this very question and he just doesn’t see it as that important. This might suggest that he is not in fact doing a good job as chief of party, because he doesn’t listen to what the Democrats want.
    I also think that Obama is using his power of Chief Legislator because he is dealing with a new bill, and he is talking to Congress and giving them information regarding the bill. In the Philadelphia article, he says that Congress just needs to vote- yes or no. He says that the American people deserve a straight answer and I agree; the debate has gone on long enough.
    According to the New York Times (http://www.nytimes.com/2010/02/13/us/politics/13obama.html), Obama is also using his Executive power, because he is trying to get this bill passed and without that power, no one would listen to him.

  17. In dealing with the health care issue Obama is using his [power of a chief executive. As we defined yesterday that means the highest role basically being the president. For the first article I read by O’Reilly he thinks that Obama is doing a good enough job with all that he is doing but there are people that think that he is not doing anything at all for example the republicans think that all that Obama is going to do will just bring us to have a deficit in trillions and to probably go bankrupt. I fell that Obama should make more clear his point as to why he is doing certain things. And to not just promise but show facts and actually do what he says he is going to do. Obama is also using the chief legislator in what is by definition the power to sign and veto bills. By the Philadelphia article this is what he is trying to do. He is trying to make the health care plan arise and make it through. I stand when he says that all people should shut up and vote. Because this makes a big difference to how things plan out. For the article I used I decided to show how Obama is using the power or putting in role the chief citizen. When talking about what he is doing with education and how this will effect heal plan is because they both go hand in hand. Obama's education policies are based on his observations that No Child Left Behind should be funded, too many students are dropping out, teachers are underpaid and college is too expensive, according to the Web site. Obama's education policies are based on his observations that No Child Left Behind should be funded, too many students are dropping out, teachers are underpaid and college is too expensive, according to the Web site. http://www.statejournal.com/story.cfm?func=viewstory&storyid=42856

  18. President Obama at the moment is exemplifying his duties as Chief Legislator. He is focusing on Congress and is “lashing out at politicians in both parties who have blocked his signature legislative initiative for the past year” (Philadelphia Daily News). He is determined to bring the Legislative Branch together because he needs as much support as he can in order to do what he wants to get done, which happens to be the health care reform. Obama is so focused on getting the government in unison right now that some people feel as though he is not paying enough attention to the people. The lack in jobs is still a huge issue that affects so many people on a daily basis. He may not be doing as good of a job as he should be on being the Chief Citizen. He’s lacking in representing American people. Now some might disagree and say that he is doing a good job considering the people by the health care reform bill, but by the ways so many people are complaining about it, proves that he’s not all there among the people. (Bill O’Reilly) Having so many roles and duties as a president, is by no means easy for any man to deal with. President Obama is definitely emphasizing the idea of spending to Congress especially with the Recovery Bill which is “the $787 billion plan — a combination of fast-acting tax cuts and longer-term government spending on public works projects, education, health care, energy and technology”. http://www.nytimes.com/2009/02/14/us/politics/14web-stim.html. Obama has managed to inforce the idea of spending to the government and now he can continue his plans but I think it is the spending that is causing the mistrust of Obama in his many roles and duties as the President.

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  21. For the Philly Daily News article President Obama is playing the role of the chief citizen because he is going out to the people to talk about the issue. In the article it shows that Obama is very dedicated to accomplishing this health care reform because he wants to prove to the American people that it can be done. The article also states that Obama will be going to St. Louis to help spread his ideas for the health care bill. He wants to keep convincing people that his plan will work and that he is capable of making it work. By him traveling around the country it shows how dedicated he is about getting it to happen. Some of the comments were pretty funny because most of the people told Obama to simply “shut up” and to read the Americans lips “that we don’t want your health care plan.” The people that comment on the sites have very strong opinions either for or against the health care plan, but usually against. One also questioned Obama’s degree in economics because he doesn’t understand that we cannot afford Obama’s trillion dollar plan. For the Bill O’Reilly article Obama plays the role of the chief executive because he is the main guy in charge. He is the guy that is trying to pass the health care reform bill and is arguing to make his case. In the O’Reilly article it talks about the health care reform as a way that sounds like a good idea. However, the site insistead that it was too big of a risk and because of the recession this is not the time to take a big risk. Also the fact that finding people jobs is way more important than getting everyone health care and increasing the nations debt significantly. The comments that are after all of these articles are very funny because the people that comment are either extremely for or against the health care plan. Although the people do bring up good points that are logical during the debates. http://www.gallup.com/poll/126521/Favor-Oppose-Obama-Healthcare-Plan.aspx This article shows support with the O’Reilly article and how the Obama plan is a good idea but the risk is just too high. This also states that the counrty’s oppinions are close due to the poll that they had.

  22. With Obama’s speech at Arcadia University, it became very evident to me that he is attempting to do whatever it is he has to so that the people get the fair treatment and coverage’s necessary. He really assured the citizens that he was going to be there as their Chief Citizen and will represent the people and to work for the public interest. He was calling out his own congress for their lengthy voting process on the issue saying "The United States Congress owes the American people a final, up-or-down vote on health care. It's time to make a decision. The time for talk is over." This really got the crowd there excited because they can not help but agree. Everyone has been kept in the dark on this whole issue and the people deserve some answers. President Obama realizes this and is doing whatever he can in order to try and help his people, and get them what they ultimately deserve. As our chief legislator, the President's job is to give information to Congress via the State of the Union, to recommend measures for Congress to consider, and to sign or veto bills. Right now, the president is offering his Obamacare health care reform to congress, but both sides of the senate just can not seem to get on the same page when it comes to this issue. Obama mapped out a plan and gave it to congress that proposed that his new plan would cost one trillion dollars and would be enough to give people their necessary coverage. But the republicans are saying that his proposed plan would cost over six trillion. So he has this idea and has proposed it to his congress but at this point everything is out of his hands is pushing them to give an answer so the American people know if they are going to be able to afford health care or not. When I look at this new health care plan I tend to see nothing but the good that’s going to come out of it. But for some, especially some big businesses, they don’t tend to think the same way. That is why there is a coalition of big businesses that are prepared to spend over 10 million dollars on ads attacking this plan, arguing that legislation under debate in Congress will be too costly for small employers and will kill jobs at a time of economic distress. I do not believe that the president would put forth a plan that would simply be digging our country into a deeper whole than it already is in. I don’t believe that President Obama would make that kind of sacrifice to get this bill passed and I would assume that he has a plan to combat all of these problems these people are saying will come out of this bill. But at this point, it is all in the hands of congress. The citizen’s better strap themselves in for this one because it is going to be a long bumpy road until we see the light at the end of the tunnel for this battle.


  23. In the Philadelphia article, Obama was showing his Chief of Party and Chief Citizen Powers. Majority of the article had Obama talking for the people. He was asking questions, like “How much higher do premiums have to rise until we do something about it? How many more Americans have to lose their health insurance? How many more businesses have to drop coverage?" These are things that citizens in America would ask. He is speaking for them and asking their questions to understand why this health care plan is not getting passed. With his speech about health care, he was addressing other democrats. His speech as able to get more democrats approve of what he is doing. With what he did here, I think that he was successful for getting more of his supporters agree with him, but I don’t think that he was actually successful in making his views agreeable to everyone. People were talking about how he needs to focus more on creating jobs than creating cheaper health care, which I agree with them. There needs to be a bigger focus on the jobs in American because with the jobs, we would be in a better economy all together.
    With the Bill O’Reilly article, this was just giving an overview to what Obama wants to do. If Obama gets his was of what he wants to do with the health care reform, he would be using his Chief Executive power. He would be making the decision of this and would be carrying it out and enforcing it. Of course, he is also trying to appeal to his party to try to get them on board of what he wants. If and when this bill gets past Congress, Obama would be able to act on his Chief Legislator power because he would be able to sign the bill. He has already called on Congress to make a health care bill, with falls under the powers of Chief Legislator. Again, I think that he is getting his point across effectively but he isn’t focusing on the most important things. Jobs need to be created first. I believe that if this health care bill would be passed, our nation would suffer in more debt than it already is in and that we would be in a huge economic downfall down the road.
    The article on www.whitehouse.gov shows Obama using different powers that are granted to him. One of them is the Chief Executive Powers. He is trying to carry out his plans for the health care reform. He has been trying to get everyone to agree with him so that a bill can be passed in congress. With that, he is able to use the Chief Legislator powers. Signing the bill and delivering the messages to Congress is his job to do and he has been doing that. In this article, it also shows him using the Chief of Party and Chief Citizen Powers. He is trying to represent the American citizens that want this to pass. He is also getting other Democrats to side with him so that more people with be on board with this reform. Again, I think that he is trying to do his best with this but I don’t think that enough people will agree with this. There are much bigger problems that need to be tackled before this and I think that people would like to see those fixed before the health care reform. I think that regardless of what happens with this, we need to see it play out more before we can judge how Obama is doing and how beneficial this will be for America.

  24. President Obama, in an attempt to pass his Health Care Reform, has and will utilize many of the powers given to the President of the United States. Of theses roles, I feel that none is as important as his power of Chief Citizen. It is evident that his Health Care plan doesn’t float everyone’s boat, proven by the statistic provided by the Philadelphia daily news article: “President Obama’s job approval rating is below fifty percent.” However, what the plan does do is appeal to the masses of citizens that elected him to be the President of the United States. After all it is these people that benefit the greatest from the new healthcare legislation.
    Though not as important, his duty as Chief Executive also plays a major role in the issue of healthcare. As President, Obama gets control a vast majority of issues concerning our nation, one obviously being healthcare. He has the power to control policies, spending, and many other major decisions. It is this power that is allowing him to push for this major healthcare reform, as well as, this same power that allows him to decide how money is spent. He, as President is given the power to raise taxes on the wealthy and changing the way money is spent of Medicare and Medicaid. Whether this will be beneficial or detrimental is a different question. Many believe that Obama’s idea will be beneficial, while many republicans including Congressman Paul Ryan believe it will instead of decreasing the national debt, increase it by about five hundred billion dollars over ten years.
    It is for this reason that is truly amazing that our governments at all levels have a system of checks and balances. For Obamacare to be put into affect the legislation must be passed by congress. It is at this point that Obama’s Role as Chief legislator comes into play, for this bill will be nothing more than a bill if not passed by Congress. Through his role as Chief Legislator, not only is Obama able to inform congress about his healthcare plan, but also plea for their vote. Obama has made several attempts at getting this bill to pass and now wants nothing more than Congress’ signature on the plan.

  25. Obama uses his role as Chief Executive to make decisions for the country. Such as in the article Obamacare: Truth vs. Propaganda, O’Reilly states that “the president said Wednesday that higher taxes on the wealthy and more efficient spending on things like Medicare and Medicaid would pay for the trillion-dollar health care reform legislation. Mr. Obama says he has it under control.” Also in the same article, he states that “the president must know Obamacare is a huge risk for the country.” In this article Obama makes decisions on health care, he knows that not everyone is on the same page as him, but he needs to make and executive decision for a plan and present it to congress. Obama as Chief of Party represents the view of his party as a whole. In the article, Obama Stirs Arcadia U.crowd with Fiery Call for Health-Care Vote Now, states "that's the most fiery I've seen him since the early campaign," said U.S. Sen. Arlen Specter." He represents the view of his party to Congress; even if not everyone is on his side, he represents the people who voted for him to be the President. Obama as Chief Legislator gives information to Congress in the State of the Union in order to recommend measures for congress to consider and to sign or veto bills. In the article, Obama Says Health-Care Legislation Will Have Benefits This Year, Nicholas Johnston states that, “Obama urged Congress to have an “up-or-down” vote on the legislation. Republican lawmakers are unanimously opposed to Obama’s plan and have vowed to make it an issue in the campaign for congressional elections in November.” Obama uses the State of the Union to address the issue of Health Care in America. He tells congress that they need to make a decision fast to assure Americans that the health care process is being taken care of. Obama exercises his role of Chief Citizen represents the people and works for the public interest. In the article, Obama stirs Arcadia U.crowd with fiery call for health-care vote now, Obama states that "the United States Congress owes the American people a final, up-or-down vote on health care," he said to loud applause. "It's time to make a decision. The time for talk is over." Also in the article Obama Says Health-Care Legislation Will Have Benefits This Year, Nicholas Johnston states that “he said failing to pass a health-care overhaul now would mean an opportunity lost for “another decade, or another generation.” Obama as Chief citizen is working to insure that Americans get the right advantage in the health care system.

  26. Beginning at his inauguration, President Obama stepped into not only one, but several roles with confidence. Through the articles provided, I have come to the conclusion that his most prominent role to which he has been working with is the one of Chief Citizen. Chief Citizen concerns the interests of the people and the way that the President recognizes them and resolves many issues facing the country. One of the characteristics of Obama is that he is ready to have many of the healthcare problems out in the open for society to be aware of. He is tired of the ways that the politics have proved to be more of a competition rather than a way to make things right in society. Obama wishes to gain the trust of the public, so he goes on the road in hope of making appearances to motivate people to support his decisions. He is often seen as a blunt president, because of his lack of concern for the feelings of the healthcare system after their lack of care for the customers. Actions need to happen now, and the talking and planning needs to end. Obama’s strong opinions are for the benefit of the company and the public, and I believe he is on the right track to having a very successful result. I believe this because Obama is stating facts that have needed to be revealed for a while now, like the fact that premiums that are unmanageable make it more difficult for companies to pay for coverage for their employees. When employees are dropped from healthcare plans, they lose the drive to work with that business, and therefore the demand for that job decreases. It throws the economy off balance, and the President’s job is to keep the public’s best interest in mind. One man actually said that he would prefer the creation of jobs over healthcare, because of the lack of work out there in this recession. I disagree, however, because without your health or a plan that ensures your safe keeping (if anything were to happen to you), you cannot go out and work with peace of mind. I think this man’s mind was on money, rather than concern for future generations of the nation.

  27. In the Philadelphia News article Obama is examining the role of being a Chief Legislator by saying bold statements about how he is trying to push Congress for the Health Care Reform at his speech at Arcadia University. He believes "It's time to make a decision. The time for talk is over.” Obama believes the time for talk is over, and Congress and the Federal Government should start working their way towards a solution to the problem instead of leaving it for the next election. I think Obama is trying to be successful by referencing Health Care but really he needs to find a solution to how he is going to do it, without taxing more, or taking away from Medicare. I agree with Black Night on the situation in which to stop giving talks about Health Care and to start doing something about it, we do not need a person that can just talk; we need a president that can lead us out of this recession.
    In the Bill O’Reilly article, I believe Obama is taking the role of Chief Executive and he believes that he thinks he “has everything under control.” But really O’Reilly has other ideas about what he is doing. The moves President Obama is seeking to commit might look good now, but for our future it does not look promising. If we keep going deeper and deeper into debt our economy, and overall our government will fall apart due to the fact that everything runs off of money. O’Reilly states a fact that our “Social Security is also running out of money, and with 77 million baby boomers about to start collecting, another fiscal crisis looms.” I agree with O’Reilly in that even though Obama is our Chief Executive he needs to find out a way to make our plans and securities more fundable and more equitable for everyone involved. In doing so, we need to get money from somewhere to fix the problem that is looming our economy, instead of starting a new problem. He also thinks that the Obamacare plan is a risk that we should not take. I believe if we take the risk of the “Obamacare” plan, then we need to figure out how we are going to fix the problems of millions of people around our nation, and that the unemployment rate, and the gaining of jobs back.
    In looking at the White House Government Issue about Health Care, it gives me more of an understanding of how the Chief Executive, President Obama plans to make this plan work. It makes insurance more affordable, helps make a new competitive health insurance market, greater accountability, end discrimination with people with pre-existing conditions, and finally it would put the budget and the economy on more of a successful path. I agree with the cutting back on government spending, but by making this work it would tax people that earn their money. I believe to tax the higher paying people would make is almost unconstitutional because people that make six figures per year, deserve to have their money and not be taxed as high. They probably work hard for their money, for their families. But, I understand if the people make millions of dollars per year because that kind of money is fundable to live on with being taxed high. Overall, I agree with O’Reilly in that the risk is just too high for us to fix Health Care with the way our economy is right now.

  28. As Obama approached an end to his campaign, he was really striving to put a strong fight for his Health Care debate. Obama had his last speech at Arcadia University and from what citizens were saying it seems as though many people are not in support for his Health Care plan, but there are some who do agree. Some of the people said that Obama gave a great speech and they would just love to see something happen. Actions speak louder than words. However, others put up the argument that Health Care should not be a first priority at this time. There are so many people jobless currently and that needs to be a first priority. Another source said that they do not think that government should be involved in Health Care and other organizations should deal with Health care such as church charities should deal with this. Obama does have supporters as illustrated at his speech but Polls show only ” tepid support for the Democrats' health-care plan, which Obama said would prevent spikes in premiums, enable Americans with pre-existing conditions to purchase coverage and require insurance plans to offer free preventive care”. This is defiantly not a good sign for Obama, the people are only halfhearted of the idea of Health Care. Obama’s Health Care plan is just taking hard hits left and right. In Fox New’s article they just tear apart Obama’s Health Care plan. They say that it is extremely unreliable and that facts are not straight. The President stated that higher taxes on the wealthy and more efficient spending on things like Medicare and Medicaid would pay for the trillion dollars Health care legislation. Obama claims he has EVERYTHING under control. In contrast to that lovely painted picture that Obama painted it is not so lovely. His Health Care Plan will cost $6 trillion dollars and feds will never b able to pay it back. We are already in debt, why would he dig us deeper in debt? Even the Medicaid and Medicare are already slowly in debt and that this will be impossible to keep running when the feds will have to find trillions of dollars just to keep it afloat. In the last article I found from the New York Times it stated that Obama’s Health Care was nothing but a terribly mixed bag!! They claim that Obama is failing at his proposal of the Health Care. The plan does so much less than what people think and people look past the facts of what the plan fails us, they only look at what it does. This is a terrible plan and it is quite evident through these few articles Obama is dwindling down and failing at his very own Health Care Plan. As for what roles Obama is playing the obvious one would be Chief Executive due to the fact he is making big decisions and Chief of Party because he is representing his views in a positive light in regards to his Health Care Plan.

  29. When it comes to healthcare, Barak Obama is displaying his role as Chief Citizen and Chief Legislator. I feel that he is not successful in either as of right now, but he has the right intentions and can create a breakthrough with his good ideas. He is taking the needs of the citizens and trying to create a better system for them and in doing this he is exercising his Chief Citizen role; and the fact that he is trying to create the perfect bill for healthcare shows that he is making an effort as Chief Legislator. Now is the time to do more than make an effort, Obama needs to take action so that a bill can be based in the near future; so far, it has taken a lot of time for little progress. Bill O’Reilly would agree with this statement because in his opinion the “Obamacare” isn’t going anywhere. He believes that establishing a new healthcare bill will just continue to add to the country’s debt. The healthcare should be more affordable, but what Obama is coming up with is not. If you look on the other side, the Huffington Post article, you hear a completely different argument. Liberals believe that Obama is making healthcare universal and more beneficial (affordable) for the middle class. I found another article from the Burlington County Times that commented on the Presidents recent healthcare speech. He was very passionate about his ideas and the plan he wants to pass and how he wants to lead the country to a better tomorrow; his passion is what continues to instill confidence in the people. However, people are starting to lose this hope given that the approval rating has dropped to less than 50%. President Obama is doing a good job addressing the issues and keeping up with his Chief roles, especially Chief citizen, he just needs to actually get something done now. Its time for him to turn ideas into realities. (http://www.phillyburbs.com/news/news_details/article/26/2010/march/09/if-not-now-when-1.html)

  30. According to these articles each side of the health care argument is lying. This argument has been going on for several months and after reading these articles I do not think any progress has been made. That’s my problem with politics because nothing ever seems to get done. I feel the republicans need to stop sitting around and complaining and help out to reform the health care system in a way that would satisfy them too. In these articles they help to show that Obama is acting as Chief Legislator, and Chief Citizen. In his speech at Arcadia U. he fires up the crowd with his speech and call for congress to make a final decision on the healthcare plan. He is trying to get the citizens to follow him and agree with his decision on health care because he feels that it is the best decision for America at the time and that it is necessary. Obama is trying to get people to support him in his mission to have universal healthcare by using these supporters to spread the word that it is something he finds the best for the nation. Ultimately he is acting as Chief Citizen by trying to decide what is best for the nation. He is also working as Chief Legislator by trying so hard for congress to pass this bill. It is one of the main focuses on his agenda to get this done and he is trying everything he can to get this passed. Appeals to pass this bill are constantly being told to congress because this is what the “Chief Legislator” believes in. The article I found is about how March 18th is when the white house wants a majority vote on the ability to pass the health care bill with ‘fixes’. Abortion seems to becoming a problem also in the language of the bill and has some asking for it to get changed. The problem continues to be funding however, and we do not know if this problem will be solved or if the health care bill will ever be passed. http://www.csmonitor.com/USA/Politics/2010/0305/Healthcare-reform-Fixes-to-bills-are-first-major-hurdle.

  31. Obama is using his role of Chief of State to push for the approval of the Healthcare bill. He is meeting at colleges and public places in order to get support from the public. I believe that a reform in healthcare is for the best but because I don’t believe it will get passed or if it does get passed that it will fail. I don’t think it will fail because it is a faulty bill, because that isn’t the case, but I think it will fail because of the determination of the Republican Party to make it fail. People like Bill O’Reily and FOX in general will continue to try to sway public opinion that Obama is a using every fiber of his being to trick the American public or that Obama is plain ignorant and doesn’t know what he is talking about. An instance of this is in the article from the Philadelphia Daily News. Throughout the article it seems as though they are trying to discredit Obama by saying people that voted for him think that he isn’t focusing on the right topics or that the bill will cost more than it is worth. It seems like in an attempt to get this bill thrown out Republicans focus less on the bill and more on a way to make Obama out to be ignorant or have less support than he actually does. And when they are finally forced to talk about the bill they bring out statistics that are conveniently found by fellow republicans. For instance in the article by Bill O’Reily he states that he uses the point that a congressman that is opposed to the bill said that Obama is misleading the country and math that this congressman has done saying that the bill will put us in a 500 billion dollar deficit. It seems as though strict opinions are being dished out instead of cold hard facts because people are trying to not see the good in the bill and aren’t focusing on the fact that healthcare in this country is screwed up.
    The article I found was from the Washington Post and it talks about how Republicans are doing everything in their power to keep this Bill from being passed. For instance Senate Minority leader Mitch McConnel urged Democratic senate members to not pass the bill at least until some serious revisions are made on it or else they will be making a colossal risk. I believe that this is just another scare tactic to keep the bill from being passed. Because of instances like these I firmly believe that this bill will not be passed because of the opposition from the Republican party and their fierce hate for any suggestion that Obama makes. If the bill does get passed I believe that this opposition will remain and thus causing the bill to fail because if everyone in congress doesn’t support this bill after it is passed, it will collapse and lead to a worse situation in healthcare.

  32. With the nation, unsure on what is going to happen with the health care issue that Obama is trying to force about. Obama is using his Chief Executive responsibilities to take control of this nation and bring forth his health care plan. O’Reilly talked about Obama’s health care and that it “will cost $6 trillion and the feds will never be able to pay for it” even though Obama thinks that the “Medicare and Medicaid would pay for the trillion-dollar health care reform legislation.” Obama is right then it would help us get out of debt but that would require having “higher taxes” on people. But he is taking charge of total management over in this health care showing his Chief Executive duties.
    With Obama trying to pass the healthcare bill he is clearly showing his Chief Legislator. He had his state of the union address and although he did not talk about it much, he did mention a little bit about his healthcare plan. As Obama is doing everything in his power to get the bill pass, he stated that he is now "Fired up [and] Ready to go" in The Huffington Post. And as well the Huffington post stated that there are millions of people in the states who “lack” healthcare and the best way to fix it is to have a national healthcare plan
    But the healthcare plan will not be easy to get pass, as an article from http://usliberals.about.com/b/2010/03/08/house-health-care-vote-hinges-of-trust-of-obama.htm stated, the only way to get it pass is if the "House Democrats vote to pass the Senate version of health care reform" and if not then the healthcare plan wont get pass. It said that "the President" will have the "ability to inspire House members to trust" him with this plan but I think that Obama will not be able to do that.

  33. In the Philadelphia article Obama was using his powers of Chief Citizen and Chief of Party to get his message across to the American people. A presidential Chief of party role is to help members of their party to get elected to office and promote their values. He did this by saying “Polls show only tepid support for the Democrats' health-care plan, which would prevent spikes in premiums, enable Americans with pre-existing conditions to purchase coverage and require insurance plans to offer free preventive care. The House and Senate have passed different versions of the legislation, but they must still be merged.” This was a successful strategy to get more people to vote for his health reform. It helped educate people and got most of the democrats to side with him on the reform. As Chief Citizen, President Obama’s job is to represent the people and to work for the public interest. I think he accomplished this by meeting with the public directly to educate them on the health reform, which is a big public interest. I believe this was a successful way of getting people to vote for his reform. Many would believe that it must be important if he came in person to recruit them to vote for his reform. Relating directly with the public is an effective tool.

    In the Bill O’Reilly Article Obama is using his Chief Executive power to get his message across to the American people. Obama as Chief Executive is in control of making all the big decisions that will affect this country. This article is kind of saying that the American people effect his decision whether to have a health reform or not, but ultimately it is Obama’s choice of what happens depending on what he feels like is the best thing for the United States. President Obama sincerely believes that health care reform will make America stronger. The president also believes that higher taxes on the wealthy and more efficient spending on things like Medicare and Medicaid would pay for the trillion-dollar health care reform legislation. Mr. Obama says he has it under control. By saying he has it under control that emphasizes that it is all up to him what happens about healthcare. I believe that this way of getting his message across isn’t successful, but in the end that won’t matter because he could just choose to do it anyway even if the American citizens don’t want to.

    In the article on http://www.whitehouse.gov/Issues/health-Care Obama is using the power of Chief Legislative. The President's job as chief legislator is to give information to Congress to recommend measures for Congress to consider, and to sign or veto bills. “On September 9, 2009 the President laid out his principles in an address to a Joint Session of Congress. Building on that year-long effort, the President has now put forth a proposal that incorporates the work the House and the Senate have done and adds additional ideas from Republican members of Congress. The President has long said he is open to any good ideas for reforming our health care system, and he looks forward to discussing ideas for further improvements from Republicans and Democrats at an open, bipartisan meeting on Thursday.” This shows that he is addressing congress directly about his ideas on health reform. This is successful to get his message across because he is telling congress what he thinks they should do about health reform. This is the quickest way to get his ideas to get passed is to talk it over with congress and get their ideas about it.

  34. Acting as chief legislator, as seen in the New Jersey Star Ledger, Obama is making an attempt at providing a compromise between the differing senate and house bills. By doing this, he is making strong attempts to find a middle ground where his health care bills can be accepted and voted in without having to resort to dirty politics. This effort is necessary, as it focuses in on running the country effectively. Without being the Chief Legislator, there is very limited ability to change the nation. As far as health care goes, I'm an optimist for what he's trying to pass. I am uninsured and my family has been for the majority of the past 8 years now, and I'd like to think that the way things are will change. Any change would be nice. Even if we have to take baby steps, which is what compromise is all about.
    As seen in the Philadelphia Daily News, Obama used his powers as Chief Citizen by speaking to the people in an attempt to gain support for the health care bill. He even reaffirmed that he was determined to continue fighting for this cause, which showed strength, a trait necessary in a leader. His ability to bring out optimism and excitement in people is an incredible feat, and very important for his role. It can be difficult at times to find a politician who seems energetic and excited to help Americans, or at least one who makes it seem as such.
    As Chief of Party, however, he is making a defense of his party and their views of the plan. Very often, someone opposed to the idea will lash out at the party as a whole rather than the actual issues, or simply dismiss the issues as that party's secret agenda. However, Obama is trying to defend himself from bent truths, lies, and dirty politics. This assistance to keeping the composure of the party is not only to show strength and unity, but also to promote one's party and, in a sense, gain more power and control over the health care debate.

  35. I think that president Obama has made some valid points about Health Care, and he is trying to get his point. People believe that he is making a very strong, and stable judgment for America, others think it is going to hurt us. It is a big risk to take, and President Obama is willing to take that risk. In the first article I read, people are saying that Obama is taxing a lot more then before, and people are getting angry. “Statistics out this week say 10 percent of Americans now pay more than 70 percent of federal income tax, and 50 percent of Americans pay close to nothing”. People believe that if he “increasing [taxes] against them will likely lead to more economic chaos” struggling for citizens to get by now, Obama will not have them in favor of his decision. The seconds article I read was saying what Obama is exactly starting to do, it said he has pushing “basically the Senate bill with some modifications — does not fundamentally change the private-enterprise medical system, the for-profit insurance system or the reliance on employers to provide workers with coverage.”, if anything this would make more customers for them not just lose them money. My last article I found was about an address to a Joint Session of Congress, and it tells about how Obama is putting out ideas of making health coverage a lot less expensive, ending discrimination, making the economy on a better and more stable budget, and to benefit the citizens a lot more then it does now. I feel Obama is trying his hardest to pass this bill, and make sure every thought is put into it before it passes through, it would be a huge positive for Americans today who are struggling with this poor economy.


  36. Through these articles, Obama is using his ability as Chief Executive to evoke his plan towards all Americans. As president he is creating this health care plan to reform America. His health care plan as addressed in the Philadelphia daily news reveals how anxious he is in getting this plan to be solved. He states that everyone needs to "shut up and vote now". His nervousness about this plan falling through seems to bring distress to Americans. As I was reading these articles I came to a conclusion that he seems to not explain his plan in detail very much and most Americans, mainly republicans seem to be complaining about this health care plan. I believed that if Obama explained this plan in greater detail and got more attention to Americans, people would understand more about his goal in mind and less complaining would occur. Also everyone needs to understand how hard his job as president is and more republicans need to support him and this would help unify our country. Not only is Obama using his role as Chief Executive but also his role as Chief Citizen. He is attempting to connect with American citizens with his speeches he is giving across the nation. He wants to prove to the nation that this plan will be successful and he is willing to show that by his dedication. This Health Care reform seems to be one of the most important issues he has addressed since being president. This is what he wants to be remembered for and this plan could either greatly facilitate his presidency or greatly hurt it. This article www.nytimes.com/2010/03/10/business/economy/10leonhardt.html reveals that Obama's health care reform is very mixed among the nation and the citizens don't know the outcome of this plan. There are many pros and cons of this plan and people believe that it would not come close to eliminating Medicare's long term budget deficit but it would help insurance exchanges create more competition. We as a nation need to come together and figure out if the pros outweigh the cons and see if this plan will bring more success to our nation. This is an important objective that we need to solve together, quick, and effectively.

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. Obama is working as Chief of Party, Chief Citizen, and as Chief Legislator. I think that president Obama has had a difficult time trying to pass his so called health reform. I think that it is not him that is making this transition to better healthcare difficult, but I think it is both houses not agreeing to it. I think that everyone on capitates hill is worried about is this country’s huge and growing deficit. Everyone in both houses thinks that if Obama’s healthcare bills pass that it will cause more deficits. Which is true but one must first spend money to make money, as the saying goes. If his bills work then American people will not care how much this country get more into debt. Obama says he has it “under control” but I personally think that he is afraid that his bills will not pass due to both houses and democrats and republicans to be pushing for it not to pass. This is where the role of president is questioned. What’s the point of him being president if no one wants what he wants and allows him to do what he wants? http://www.congress.org/congressorg/bio/userletter/?id=3181&letter_id=4718437836 This article talks about how Obama’s healthcare plan is not going to work and that it is stupid. Most of all, it says what will really happen when the plan is put into place. Once it is on, no one can stop it. It is going to make things a lot worse instead of helping.

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. This healthcare program Obama is trying to put through the government, has really put himself into a hole that is getting deeper by the month. With that said, Obama is definitely working his you know what off to get this passed. And the roles he is playing to do this is the Chief Legislator, Chief of Party, and Chief of Citizen. The role of the Chief Legislator is being portrayed in the sense that Obama is trying to get this healthcare passed through, and by doing that he is urging many young students in Arcadia, to spread the word about how his healthcare program is going to work. And that the party that has held office most recently has done a horrible job. Which also puts Obama in to the role of Chief of Party because with all of his speeches that he makes, he is putting the Democratic party into good light, while making the other party look bad. He is trying to ultimately keep Democrats in office for as long as he can. And the other role Obama is playing is Chief of Citizen because all the things he tries to pass looks ideal to the people that voted for him. If he were to do the complete opposite of what he said he was going to do, he would have no followers while in office. One might think that by playing these roles, a lot is getting done, but according to Bill O’Reilly Obama’s plans can put our country 6 trillion dollars more in debt. And to be honest, that is the opposite of reforming whatever that needs to be reformed. I used http://www.whitehouse.gov/Issues/health-Care. For my website because I wanted to go straight to the real source and not get any of the bias in the media. But what I found at this website is also biased. I did not think that one fully through, but of course this site is going to say how good it ca be, and how much progress is being done because its really the president running this site. So to further elaborate, everything we as citizens try to use, nothing is going to be the correct answer until something really happens.

  41. In the fight for health care reform, Obama is exercising his position as Chief Executive and Chief Legislator. However, in light of his very recent decisions and federal complications I would say he is moderately struggling in fulfilling these roles. That does not mean Congress does not play its part in making Obama’s job tougher, but a dispute in ideals between Congress and the President obviously points to the fact that Obama’s health care reform, otherwise known as Obamacare, is considered out of reach or not right by a majority of Congress. In other words, if a majority of the people selected to represent the people of the United States do not agree with the President’s health care plan, he must not have created an efficient or reasonable health care plan, therein not fulfilling his duty as Chief Executive or Chief Legislator, in failing to make the right decisions for the country, and in failing to create new but reasonable policy for the country. His leadership is dwindling in the health care fight according to Bill O’Reilly. Obama has expressed his willingness to burn through billions, and even trillions of dollars, along with asking the wealthy to fork over more cash in taxes. Let alone the idea that Obama came to the presidency in a terrible time, when the economy was crippled not by the previous Bush Administration, but by the even more prior Clinton Administration, which encouraged the country to ride a wave of economic success right until it fell off the surfboard in late 2008. The point is, Obama has done a poor job rescuing the country from its current situation, especially in terms of health care. No president has yet to spit more nonsense out of their trap. He would not be the first to believe in throwing money at the problem, and he will not be the last, and perhaps his lack of action is due to the modern restrictions on presidential power which did not previously exist, but either way, Obama is struggling to fulfill his presidential roles and lead the country.

  42. Throughout Obama’s healthcare campaign he is utilizing his positions as Chief Executive, Chief Legislator, and Chief Citizen. The New Jersey Star article points out his role as Chief Legislator and his goal in passing the healthcare reform plan. Obama is doing nearly everything he can to get this piece of legislation through and it seems he will not let anything get in his way of doing so. He is continuously making changes to the bills in order to please both the Senate and the House in hopes of passing it.
    In the Philadelphia Daily News article his role as Chief Citizen is showcased more. This article focused on his speech given at Arcadia University and while there Obama tried to please the students of the university and anyone else listening and also tried to prove that what he was doing with healthcare is what is best for the country. It is quotes like “‘The United States Congress owes the American people a final, up-or-down vote on healthcare…It’s time to make a decision,’” that Obama uses to get American citizens to believe that he is on their side and Congress, or whoever is opposing a bill, is not actually looking out for them. Whether or not he actually feels this way cannot easily be determined by just a news article, but he is using his Chief Citizen role in a way to make Americans believe these things.
    As a President is seems as if so far his best “presidential role” is that of Chief Citizen. He is always trying to get the people to agree with him and basing his arguments around what is best for the country as a whole and individuals. Many blindly follow him and agree with what he is saying. It could be said that Obama is using the easily influenced because he knows that with his continuous positive talking those that are easily persuaded will follow him and agree with everything he says. That is not to say that those are the only people agreeing with him, there are many who will listen to both sides and then agree with the President. By using his tactics of getting people to believe that what he is there to work for the citizens, not just Congress and other government officials, Obama creates a large following of people willing to listen to him. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/03/09/AR2010030903877.html

  43. "The United States Congress owes the American people a final, up-or-down vote on health care," he said to loud applause. "It's time to make a decision. The time for talk is over." Obama is making a very bold statement calling out congress. He says all they do is talk the talk and now they need to walk the walk. It’s cliché, but it is a hundred percent correct. Congress is stalling; obviously something is not working so why not change it? I do not see why or what the set back would be to change how things are now? We are already in debt that will take years to recover from and the economy is already as low and unstable as it could possibly be so what’s the problem? Obama makes a very good point that saying things and actually doing things are two different things. He also says that he has to touch on all topics in his speeches because if he leaves it untouched, it will run off wild. Obama has good ideas, no doubt about it, but some of these ideas are very risky. When Obama talks in a gym in front of people that love him, he is going to seem like his ideas are even better than they are and has a lot of power, but when in reality the ideas may not get accomplished. Obama is definitely successful when it comes to portraying ideas and getting people to like them, but going on and accomplishing these ideas have not seemed to push through yet. Obama truly believes that his idea for Medicare will work, but others see it as a risk and at the point of the United States now; is that risk we should take? His plan when calculated out by Paul Ryan was said to use a ten year of revenue and spending cuts to cover six years of health care entitlements. Now Ryan claims that the Medicare idea from Obama would lead to roughly five hundred billion dollars in deficit spending over ten years. Once again take the risk and possible have the future be similar to what it is now or worse or it could be a big help and make a change in our country.

  44. For the healthcare reform President Obama need to address his plan more detailed so that both sides understand where he stands on healthcare reform. President Obama believes that taxes on the wealthy would provide spending for Medicare and Medicaid. As for republicans, they estimate that Obama’s plan will add an estimated $6 trillion that the feds would not be able to pay off. In the O’Reily article he takes the side of the republican views that Obama healthcare reform would lead to about $500 billion in deficit spending over 10 years. In this situation the president is taking the role of chief executive. As chief executive the President's job is to give information to Congress via the State of the Union, to recommend measures for Congress to consider, and to sign or veto bills. Bill O’Reily would agree that the Obamacare plan is only going to add to the nations debt. A completely opposite view of Obama’s healthcare policy is from the Huffington post article. The role Obama takes in this is Chief of Legislator which gives information to Congress in the State of the Union in order to recommend measures for congress to consider and to sign or veto bills. Obama points out that he has drawn up a good plan that will change healthcare to millions of Americans in a way that will improve our nation as a whole. Also he points out that republicans are making remarks about his plan, even when they have been in power for the past 10 years and nothing has been accomplished and because of them our nation is in a mess. For my third choice I picked an article from ABC regarding details of Obama’s healthcare plan. It states that Obama’s proposal would cover 31 uninsured Americans. Obama is working for the common American family and with this he adds in his plan tax exemptions for families making under $46,000. The role he is taking is chief citizen, in which he is to represent the people and to work for them. I believe Obama is on the right track to get us out of the mess republicans have left us with, and it is time for a change.

  45. 1st half

    President Obama's health care plan has lighted sparks between opposing viewpoints and has been the hot topic of discussion for the past couple of months. President Obama has utilized many aspects to influence the public to agree with his plan and have faith that it will all work out. Regardless, opinions have been clearly heard throughout the board. For starters, my personal favorite, Bill O'Reilly has made his mark on the idea for the new health care plan. Bill's take on the health care plan is that, “the President must know Obamacare is a huge risk for the country, and at this point, [he] believe the risk is not worth taking. Strict government oversight and new rules on health insurance companies does not cost anything. Try private reform first, even as you figure out how to pay for Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security”. The President is exemplifying his duties as Chief of Executive. His duty is to decide how laws are enforced throughout the states and to make major decisions for the United States. This health care plan could potentially change the lives of people for generations and generations to come. Obama is trying to get through to the public by saying that “higher taxes on the wealthy and more efficient spending on things like Medicare and Medicaid would pay for the trillion-dollar health care reform legislation”. This puts the public at ease and makes this very important decision more easy to understand and believe that there will be money to pay for it. Although there are claims that this plan will cost more than the United States has, Obama is taking the approach that he has everything under control and that the money is there. Obama is also exemplifies his role as Chief of Legislator. He has the power to recommend measures fore congress to consider, sign or veto bills. Currently, Obama has called for congress to pass the health reform. By doing this he being very strong and passionate about this by saying that he, “sincerely believes that health care reform will make America stronger”. Obama is doing a fairly well job of sweet talking the public into believing that this reform will be successful, but he is ignoring the basic facts that point straight to chaos and failure.

  46. 2nd half

    In an opposing article, The Huffington Post agrees with Obama that if passed, health care will be spread out to millions who lack it. Also, they believe that there will be lower costs for lower income families as well as small businesses. This take on the health care plan really makes it seem worth wild. Obama is exemplifying his duty as Chief of Executive in this article by, “his spirited, shirt-sleeved appeal for passage of long-stalled health care changes”. Obama is taking a very head strong, spirited approach to this health care plan to really get many individuals on board. Actually, reading what he is saying, he actually sounds believable. He states that, “I'm kind of fired up. Fired up. Ready to go. So I need you to knock on doors. Talk to your neighbors. Pick up the phone," he urged them”. Obama is doing whatever possible to involve the community and get everyone on his team. Besides the public, Obama is fighting to get the congress on his side as well. This approach is know as President Obama's Chief of Legislator duties. “Obama made his appeal as Democratic leaders in Congress worked on a rescue plan for legislation that once seemed on the cusp of passage, only to run into difficulty when Senate Republicans gained the seat they needed to block action on a final compromise”. He is fighting to get the votes of the congress, which is needed to pass the bill. I actully agree with a blog that I found that agrees that the plan is a little too extreme and that it ignores the basic facts of debt that is inbedded in future generations. The main idea is that “Panicky People Make Bad Decisions”. This blog is found here! http://www.thehealthcareblog.com/the_health_care_blog/2010/01/salvaging-health-care-after-scott-brown-.html In my opinion, I do not believe that this drastic health care plan is the best idea, considering that future generations will automatically be in debt, but, President Obama is doing a great job reaching out to the public and being passionate about this reform. He is very believable and trusting. It will be interesting how it plays out.

  47. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/us_and_americas/article6936327.ece
    (That’s my extra source)
    As far as health care goes, Obama is largely involved in the process of passing this reform. This campaign delves into his roles of Chief legislator and Chief Citizen, because he is supporting a bill, and setting an example he wants the people of America to follow. While Bill O’ Reilly wouldn’t agree that there is much truth in anything he says, the New Jersey Star Ledger praises and supports his campaign. O’ Reilly believes that Obama is wrong in his trust that health care reform s the right thing for America, but as Chief Citizen he is supposed to represent “American” values. If he was elected by the majority, doesn’t that mean that the majority of citizens would also have believed in his push for health care? Quite the opposite is the New Jersey Star Ledger, which support wholeheartedly that his plan is for the greater good. O’ Reilly is conservative, and the Star is clearly more liberal, so all the viewpoints are somewhat skewed, but the point remains the same; America is divided. Obama needs to create more cooperative efforts between the parties if he is to ever overcome his political stalemate. Doing this will not only help to pass this bill (Legislator), but set an example of teamwork for all of America (Citizen). Obama claims in on one of his sites that his plan will actually lower costs and help the people as a whole, which is what the president’s job should be. But that being said, he won’t be able to please everyone, so he had better get into full out chief citizen mode to rally support, even of those who are skeptical of the results. What is the president without the support of the people? Just some guy. But what are the people without a president? A bunch of confused and lawless people. The example that Obama can set, can not only establish healthcare reform permanently, but also bring together America under his leadership and show what it really takes to be an American. I’m not saying that Obama is the greatest American to ever live; I’m just saying that he has the opportunity to prove himself to the American people, and as president he had better step up. Otherwise America will crumble to partisan bickering under a backboneless administration.

  48. “Shut up and vote. Now. This was president Obama’s message to the lawmakers yesterday.” In the Philadelphia Daily News this was stated his last effort to overhaul the nation’s health care system. He is announcing that America has an “up-or-down” vote on healthcare and it’d up to them to make the decision. The time for talking is over and it is time to make this happen. It is action time for health care in America. "How much higher do premiums have to rise until we do something about it? How many more Americans have to lose their health insurance? How many more businesses have to drop coverage?" By March 18th, the white house is counting on congress to vote on health care bill. Obama will not I’ve up on this, he wants this health care to increase and stop all the chaos within Americans today. He believes that yes it would be awesome if everyone and their child had health care, but there are so many people out of jobs and unemployed, he states that jobs should be our number on focus in America.
    In this New Jersey article Obama is quoted believing that his health care insurance plan is that "a government takeover of one-sixth of our nation’s economy." Health care is consuming one sixth of our gross domestic product and it is a huge problem. Obama wants a government takeover of medical care in America. Yeah, for certain people government takeover of th health system may not be too bad for them because of the excuses they will have to not pay the bills that come. But groups like doctors and physicians like the single- payer system, in which everyone is guaranteed health care, paid for by taxes instead of insurance.
    Obama’s plan that he is not pushing is does not fundamentally change the private-enterprise medical system, the for-profit insurance system or the reliance on employers to provide workers with coverage. Obama wants to help the American people in society today. Is the health care today providing us with excellent quality? No they are not, and that is the problem. I think that Obama will be successful when he finds the right plan to take care of this health care system. According to American Thinker, “[Obama] claims that his plan will increase quality provide coverage for everyone, and save money. Sounds like a classic case of having your cake and eating it too. Unfortunately, his healthcare plan is strong on vision but light on specific detail.”


  49. Obama is trying to force his health care bill through and use brute strength to get it passed. He is using his role of both Chief Legislator and Chief Executive. As Chief Legislator, he can suggest which bills should be addressed to Congress. He is using this privilege to try to get Congress to consider his health care system and hopefully pass it. However, he is having difficulty in getting support for this bill so he is also utilizing his role of Chief Executive. As Chief Executive, he has the power to sign or veto what bills he sees fit. I agree with Chris Shaw from Philadelphia Daily News that the government needs to focus on more important issues, such as jobs and unemployment. According to “The Edmond Sun”, because Obama’s health care plan is not well supported, Obama has to use a process called reconciliation to get what he wants. http://www.edmondsun.com/opinion/x1745488493/Partisan-political-tactics-stifle-health-care-debate

  50. In his push for a health care reform, Obama is fulfilling multiple roles that he has as president. The first is his role as chief citizen. With Obama’s new health care plan, he would be changing the way that health care works in order to help all Americans, and protect them from greedy insurance companies who only wish to get people’s money. This is Obama exercising his role as Chief Citizen, because he is looking out for the well-being of the American citizens. This care is shown when he said this to a crowd at Arcadia University: "The United States Congress owes the American people a final, up-or-down vote on health care."  Obama is also fulfilling the role of Chief Legislator. In this role, the president tries to push bills to be passed and signs bills that are approved by the Senate. In the case of healthcare he is doing this by pushing the current version of the healthcare bill and trying to get it passed by congress. Obama is also in a way acting as Chief of Party. The policies of the new healthcare bill have been put under much scrutiny by the Republican party. The Republicans have been calling it un-American, and a step toward socialism for the United States. They have also said that it would cause the government to take over one sixth of the current economy. As Chief of Party, Obama must defend against these remarks (some of them lies) and defend the reputation of the Democrats.
    I believe that this article is somewhat inaccurate and disingenuous in describing Obama's plan for healthcare reform. Brinson uses many tactics which are meant to evoke fear in the reader (comparing the reform to the Soviet Union, uses words phrases like "bread for the masses", "Brave New World", etc.), but are not backed up by facts. Also, after saying why he dislikes Obama's plan, he gives his own plan for healthcare, although his does not solve the problem that Obama is trying to fix. While Brinson is focused on how Obama's plan will just lead to more debt for the taxpayers and the country, he does not address in his own plan how we will account for the many people who are still uninsured in the county. His focus is just on himself and making sure that he does not have to pay anything more than he has to, even if it means that some people will be uninsured.

  51. Looking at the article from the Philadelphia Daily News, the reader gets a good grasp on what Obama was talking about. There doesn’t seem to be as much bias and it seems agreeably neutral. It doesn’t seem like they’re pushing the reader to believe certain things about the president. It seems like Obama is using the role of Chief Citizen to get through to the citizens. In the article, it accounted for times that the president actually responded back to what the crowd was saying, rather than blindly reciting his speech. He’s trying to seem like just an average friendly guy to the people. This seems like a good way to get people to listen. If they feel like there’s a relationship or understanding between them, then they will be more likely to listen and vote for him than another guy who seems distant and not at an understanding with what the people want. On the other hand, though, the article from Bill O’Reilly tries to portray that Obama is not thinking about what is best for the people. They only talk about the bad aspects of the new healthcare ideas. And this article almost makes it seem like Obama is taking the Chief of Party approach. They make it seem like Obama is only trying to do things for the sake of making his political party look good and things like that. If people only pay attention to this side of the argument, then the president’s ideas are going to get nowhere.

    The article I found (http://www.suntimes.com/news/otherviews/2041708,CST-EDT-sullum11.article) puts Obama in a bad light, and therefore I think it’s an inaccurate portrayal of the battle. It says that Obama continually contradicts himself and pretty much that he can’t be trusted to run the country. This article, like the Bill O’Reilly article, puts him in the classification of using the Chief of Party approach. They’re making him seem like a bumbling politician who can’t keep his story straight, and only wants what he thinks is best for himself and his party.

  52. President Obama is using speeches and the enthusiasm he has to get his message across to the public. Obama is using everything in his power and time to put as much momentum in his speeches as possible. In the article Philadelphia Daily News it said he gave a “fiery” speech that had been lost for most of his campaigning and recent speeches. It said that he got right on stage took off his suit jacket and dove right into the bulk of his speech. It also said that he asked questions that would get a response and showed his passion for this healthcare reform. Though he has not had this kind of passion in a long time it was the key to getting his message across and hoped the people appreciated it. He also tore down politicians from both parties about blocking the reform. The fact that he not only based the opposing party but his own too it added to the effect of the speech to enhance the idea that he is so passionate about this reform. Obama is also getting his point across by trying to prove that his reform is not a “takeover” like the republicans have been saying it is (from New Jersey Star Ledger). The fact that Obama is not trying to have the government take over the healthcare system it just gives him opportunity to spread what he really wants to do around. Thought he republicans think they are getting the citizens to hate the healthcare reform they are only giving President Obama a reason to talk about what he wants meaning more people get to hear what the reform is truly about. In the article http://www.whitehouse.gov/Issues/health-Care Obama is using his chief Legislator power to get his message across. The chief legislator’s job is to give information to Congress using the State of the Union, for Congress to consider, and to sign or veto bills. This helps to get his message across because on September 9th, 2009 he talked about what he wanted to happen with healthcare in “an address to a Joint Session of Congress”. After a year he finally got his message to everyone he wanted and now is back in congress to give them a proposal that has been altered to include ideas from both the house and the senate. This gets his message across by trying to actually get healthcare changed and put into action.

  53. Concerning the Health Care issue today, Obama wanted to see reform in it since the very beginning. Even though just now it has become an extremely major topic among parties, it has been one of Obama’s major goals since the start because he truly believes in the reforms he is trying to pass. No matter what the outcome of decisions or the controversy behind, Obama is going all out with these reforms.
    In his campaigning for the new Health Care reforms, the roles of Chief of Party and Chief Legislator are clearly defined. The Democratic Party has been about social projects, government sponsored aid, work relief programs ever since the major social programs FDR had instilled into America to help reboot its economy and sociality from the Great Depression. Obama’s campaign for Health Care is no different then what FDR was doing to get his bill and projects passed. All of his ideas and actions are the embodiment of the American people. He wants to create a system that is fair and balanced for all the peoples of these states, not just the rich. It makes health care the same necessity as food or water. These ideas are what the Democrats stand for. His actions of Chief of Party are what will decide the future of health care in America; how he plans to voice the views of his fellow democrats throughout the nation ultimately decide what shall occur.
    As for being a Chief Legislator, that role is clear. He has most of his time in office devoted to the reform of Health Care in the United States. Obama has been pushing the senate to make a decision about his bill. He has done all he can, and now it is up the senate to decide. He is literally putting the senate on the spot about this bill by saying “Shut up and vote”. The senate is stalling, yet Obama can’t have that, instead he is forcing the senate to make a choice. It is their time to decide what to do; he has done everything as a legislator to make this bill happen, all that is left for him to hear an answer.
    Obama’s goal with this bill is to no socialize medicine and make it a bureaucracy; instead he wants it to become more affordable for the American people. As he said the Insurance companies have gone out of control with their increases in premiums. Not only would the bill make it more affordable, it would also give the insurance companies boundaries. This bill may seem to just be about Health Care, but by reforming the health care system, Obama also plans on making the economy and budget more stable because currently health care is a giant hole where money is just pouring in. He truly believes that health care is as necessary to life in the modern world, as is oxygen for our survival.
